
Her (2013)

Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) is a lonely writer going through the final stages of a partner he still loves and cherishes. he decides to purchase a new operating system (O.S) (voiced by Scarlett Johansson)  for his computer, a highly advanced artificially intelligent system, one designed for his personality and 'needs', and one that he slowly falls in 'love' with.

Beautifully low key, Phoenix is in every scene of the movie with a wonderful performance of a man pained by the 'loss' of his soul mate and the hurt of an impending divorce. At times funny ("he wanted to put me on Prozac, now he's madly in love with his lap top!") but mostly heart felt, never over melancholic, and with Joaquin's presence and Scarlett's voice, it's two hours that you'll enjoy spending time with 'Her'.

Sending an email would never be the same.

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