
The Conjuring (2013)

"Expertly timed scares", "Easily one of the best horror films I've seen in years", "A very effectively mounted frightfest", just some of the superlatives heaped on 'The Conjuring', directed by Kames Wan ('Insideous', 'Saw') my hopes were high for this fright flick.

I've been watching movies, especially horror movies for over three decades and I think director Wan managed to cram just about every tired cliché from all those horror movies into the 2 hour running time of this howler. There isn't one single scary moment, one jump, one surprise, one single moment of originality, just every cliché stolen from movies such as 'The Amityville Horror', 'The Grudge' and 'The Others'.

See that rope in the picture above? I wanted to hang myself from it during this by-the-numbers  feature length Scooby Doo episode.


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