
Killer Holiday (2013)

It's Halloween eve so the movie of choice had to be a good old fashioned 80's style horror flick. Well the well worn clichés pile up early on, obnoxious teens (sluts, nerd, jocks, the joker, token black guy) go on a road trip and end up of the beaten track (Redneck-"If I was you I'd get off this road!") and hunted down by a psycho in a disused Funhouse (reminds me of that 80's horror flick, what was that again, oh yeah 'Funhouse')

On the plus side the movie does have a 'polished' look, well filmed and edited, but anyone who's seen a Rob Zombie movie will know, you can't polish a turd. The dialogue for a movie of this ilk is yet again quite appalling;

(true sample)

The gore when eventually surfaces is cheap, mediocre and laughable, the whole movie another poor 21st Century horror flick to add to my growing list.


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