
You've Been Trumped (2012)

Business tycoon Doanld Trump decides he wants to build a muli-million dollar Golf complex somewhere in Scotland, Trumps not sure where, he doesn't really care, The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, World Wildlife Fund and the RSPB do, as it's of special scientific interest, a unique habitat of dunes and one of the last of it's kind, oh and the local residents aren't too happy either, as the area gets bulldozed, water and elecrtic get cut off (illegally) all under the watchful eye of the private security and over zealous local constabulary(who also throw the Director Anthony Baxter in Jail!)
The documentary is shockingly similar to Bill Forsyth's classic "Local Hero" from the early 80's, big bad US business takes on small Scottish community, but there's no happy ending here, the Scottish Parliament bow down to the Yankee dollar and give the go ahead.
A real life horror story and utterly depressing.

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