
Comedown (2012)

A group of Sahf Lahdan yoofs take on the seemingly easy job of setting up a mast for a Pirate radio station on the top floor of an abandoned tower block, soon though they realise that a resident maniac is picking them off, one by one....

My expectations were set to low for this 'Brit Urban horror' (very reminiscent of "Tower Block" and "Citadel") and they were 'reached' early on.The cast are a vile bunch of wannabe gangsters, unable to conduct or construct any civilised conversation, constantly bickering, arguing or threatening others, someone give the killer an Uzi so he can finish them all off a bit quicker.

Dreadful dialogue, one character hears a noise "What was that noise?", later she's startled again, "What the FUCK was that ?", she exclaims, zero thrills or chills, the killer looks like the Emperor from Star Wars, there's a painfully bad twist, and not even some nice nail gun action can save this sorry mess.


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