
Robot And Frank (2012)

Set in the future Frank (Frank Langella) is a retired cat burglar, his Son and and Daughter worry that he can no longer look after himself, so one day his Son (James Marsden) gets him a fully automated Robot to 'care' for him, making sure he eats well and gets the necessary exercise...this doesn't go down with the independent and stubborn Frank.

Langella is wonderful as Frank, a cantankerous American Victor Meldrew  ("Back off you astronaut bastard!!"), he is in just about every frame of the movie, it's a beautiful study of the fears of growing old, loneliness, the loss of independence, thoughts of a happier past and fears for what the future holds.

The film is really about Frank and the Robot, how they slowly bond an unlikely friendship, but there is great support from the ever excellent Susan Sarandon, and not even the annoying winy Liv Tyler as his annoying winy Daughter can spoil the show.

Touching and beautifully told.


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