
Blue Jasmine (2013)

Kate Blanchett  plays Jasmine, once a rich New York socialite married to Hal (Alec Baldwin), but when Hal is jailed for fraud is life is thrown into turmoil, broke, neurotic, recovering from a mental breakdown and reliant on a steady cocktail of anxiety pills and cocktails.

Blanchett of course made all the headlines winning the Oscar for Best Actress, and quite deservedly so, a stunning performance, once portraying a rich socialite looking down on those not so lucky, to being just "one of us", though refusing to accept her situation, she still finds the money to fly 1st class and keep hold of her Loius Vuitton luggage. She's ably supported by a great cast too, Baldwin was born to play her high flying philandering Husband Hal, great roles too from Louis CK, Andrew Dice Clay as Augie  the ex Brother in Law, Sally Hawkins as her put down but loving Sister Ginger, Bobby Cannavale as Gingers current 'squeeze' and an almost comic turn from Michael Stuhlbarg as Jasmine's employer, Dr Flicker ("Have you ever got high on Nitros Oxide?!")

One of Woody Allen's best movies with one of the standout performances of 2014.


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