
The Perfect House (2013)

A young couple are shown around what appears to be 'the perfect house' by an estate agent, but the house harbours a dark evil past.

The movie as I said starts off with a couple being shown around the house, by quite frankly an estate agent (Monique Parent) who would be at home in a 'Carry On' movie, all short skirts, busty revealing cleavage and innuendo! But things get serious for the three horror vignettes.
The first is pretty weak, a dominating evil Mother gets her comeuppance from her siblings, but things really pick up for the next two story's, a psychotic man keeps two cages in his basement, one for his 'victim' the other for his 'audience', deeply grim and sadistic but with almost comedic interplay between the two protagonists. The third and final segment is akin to the 'glory days' of the 80's video nasties, cheap and cheerful blood and guts, the sadism hits 9 in this dark tale.

Some wooden acting at times but some of he leads, especially in the final two tales are excellent, and the movie ends with a suitable nasty twist.
Bloody good fun.


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