
Carrie (2013)

Yes, another horror remake, but have no fear I thought, yeah there's been a few turkeys, anything Rob Zombie touches for example, but this year saw some solid nasty reboots of 'Evil Dead' and 'Maniac', both as vicious and grim as their 80's originals, so with starring roles for Chloe Grace Moretz as Carrie and Julianne Phillips as her Bible bashing nutso Mum the omens were good....oh dear.

Yes Chloe and Julianne are excellent, as always, the prom scene with all its pigs blood is expertly recreated, but that's about it, the madness of Carries mother is never really explored, yes the world of cyber bullying is introduced into the modern reimagining, but director Kimberley Pierce has nothing new to add, the film is efficient, but ultimately pointless.


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