
Gambit (2012)

"Gambit" is a remake of the 1966 film that starred Shirley McClaine and Micheal Caine, this time we get Colin Firth as our bumbling Brit, and Cameron Diaz as the hip, Texas Yank, out to swindle Firth's abusive Boss Lord Shabandar (Alan Rickman)

Where do I begin? Well how about 54 minutes into the running time, which was the first time an actual funny joke belched out of this appalling mess.One cliche after another is spewed out, Brits are uptight or upper/middle class, the only vehicles on the roads are red buses and taxis, we get some border line racism with the introduction of a wacky Japanese interpreter, it's as if the 1970's never existed....

Cameron Diaz is an excellent comedy actress, as she has proven many times before ("Bad Teacher", "Very Bad Things") but not even her talents can save this sorry, pathetic mess.


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