
The Three Stooges (2012)

Well Christmas is coming, just a month to go so here you go folks, a nice big ripe Turkey for you.Released back in the first quarter of the year I thought I'd give this 21st Century remake of the popular US tv series and subsequent films (only in America eh?)
I never liked the original shows, give me Laurel And Hardy, Harold Lloyd or Will Hay any day, these three idiots just annoyed the shit out of me, and guess what? ..so does this pathetic excuse for a comedy.
Stupid does not equal funny, "Dumb And Dumber " was stupid but there's one big difference, likeable characters, plot, funny scenarios etc.. something this car crash atrocity is more than missing.One pathetic scene follows another, I lasted about 30 minutes of this bore-fest before hitting the 'off' button.

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