
Home Sweet Home (2013)

Just where do I begin with this fresh steaming middle of the pavement turd of a movie?

SPOILER ALERT  (though I doubt this is necessary)
Some bloke breaks into a house, wanders around a bit, nails the windows shut, watches tv, wanders around some more, this is dragged out for nearly 30 minutes in a film with a running time of 75 minutes! Finally the owners turn up, the killer dons his creepy mask (why?) the Wife goes for a shower, the killer does in Hubbie, attacks the Wife and ties her to a radiator, he only uses one plastic tie, that'll do the job. Wife promptly escapes by rubbing the plastic tie against the sharp metal radiator, shoots the killer (just once of course) finds out he's a local Bobby, he survives getting shot in the throat and kills her. The End.

An astonishingly bad movie devoid of any merit, as explained the plot is threadbare, why has he taken these actions, nothing is explained, there is no motive!!!

Quite simply one of the worst films I've ever seen.


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