
Skyline (2010)

Well I was supposed to get my lazy white ass off the couch last week to make a (rare) trip to my local Multi-Plex, but after seeing the panning the movie was getting by the critics, I decided to crack open the cheap white at home.

So now I've seen it, is it as bad as critics say?

Well, no, but then again yes.Good points first.The Alien monsters do look good, there's some terrific action scenes and the SFX are of a very high standard, including a show stopping scene of some guy getting his head ripped clean off and devoured by an gangly ugly creature.Character development is very important in a film, something sadly the directors have put no effort in to.From the very outset we get token good looking white guy, token good looking black guy, and eye candy for the lads in the audience of course, supplied by a good looking blonde and brunette, all bases covered then.The trouble is these characters are so uniformly dull, unpleasant and you just don't give a fuck what happens to them!

'Skyline'-when it's good it's pretty good, when it's not pretty good, it's quite awful!!

*****(an extra star for the decapitation scene)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

all i can say is when is number 2 coming out?